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File List  |  1996-12-09  |  18KB  |  248 lines

  2. =============[ PC-OHIO - DIR 59 - RELIGION/HOLIDAY ]=========================
  4. ACTS410.ZIP    262061  04-18-96  Acts of The Apostles - Bible Study Tool
  5.                                | Features an Interactive Bible Atlas And Quiz
  6.                                | Based on The New Testament Book of Acts.
  7.                                | Visually Follow The Journeys of The 1st
  8.                                | Century Apostles as You Read Each Chapter on
  9.                                | The Screen. Maps Can be Printed Out. Quizzes
  10.                                | Are Available to Test One's Knowledge as You
  11.                                | Progress. an Excellent Learning Tool For
  12.                                | Serious Bible Students. Requires Ega/Vga And
  13.                                | Hard Disk. Enhancements
  14. AV.ZIP        2689277  10-26-96  1769 Authorized Version (King James Version)
  15. BBE_611A.ZIP  1451596  10-26-96  Online Bible in Basic English (1/2)
  16. BBE_611B.ZIP    35337  10-26-96  Online Bible in Basic English (2/2)
  17. BCOMP510.ZIP   204686  04-18-96  Bible Companion - A Bible Study Tool That
  18.                                | Features an Interesting Collection of Bible
  19.                                | Aids All in One Program. Includes A Daily
  20.                                | Reading Plan, Maps, Graphics, Charts, Poetry,
  21.                                | Dictionary, Riddles, Studies. Very Simple to
  22.                                | Use And Educational. Enhancements
  23. BXWORD12.ZIP   227459  04-18-96  Bible Crossword Puzzles - VGA Puzzle Game.
  24.                                | Now You Can Solve Electronic Crossword
  25.                                | Puzzles on Your Computer Interactively! Many
  26.                                | Puzzles Have Been Included For Your
  27.                                | Enjoyment. All Clues Are Related to The
  28.                                | Bible. Includes References to The King James
  29.                                | Version. Features Include: Answer Peek, Save
  30.                                | Your Work to Disk For Later Retrieval, Help
  31.                                | Screens. A Fun Way to Increase Your Knowledge
  32.                                | of The Bible. Requires VGA/Hd. Enhancements
  33. CHALL101.ZIP   370970  10-11-96  Scripture Challenge - Very Challenging Game
  34.                                | Testing One's Know of Bible
  35. CLIPS.ZIP      988636  06-26-96  Christian Clipart
  36. CMS.ZIP        274555  09-10-96  Church Membership System V96.05 Tracks
  37.                                | Attendance, Members, Contributions And More!
  38. CP1196.ZIP     164888  11-09-96  November 1996 Issue of Christian Perspectives
  39. CP1296.ZIP     197564  12-02-96  December 1996 Issue of Christian
  40.                                | Perspectives...(New Viewer!)
  41. FMLY3.ZIP      172499  03-11-96  Fmly3.ZIP v3 <ASP> Family Motivational
  42.                                | Tutorial, Advocating Wholeness And Excellence
  43.                                | For Families Everywhere. This DOS Base
  44.                                | Program Works Best From A Hard Drive With
  45.                                | Colour Monitor.
  46. FRONT310.ZIP   173946  04-18-96  Frontlets is an Attractive VGA, DOS Screen
  47.                                | Saver With A Bible Theme. A Random Bible
  48.                                | Verse Appears Every 10 Seconds in Large Hi-
  49.                                | Resolution Graphics. Sure to Draw Attention!
  50.                                | Includes A Setup/Configuration Utility to
  51.                                | Customize The Colors, Time Delay, And
  52.                                | Password Protection. Enhancements
  53. FUNFAX.ZIP     948848  09-10-96  Special Occasion Fax (Aka. Fax From Santa)
  54.                                | V1.00 - Your Kids Can Receive Unique Faxes on
  55.                                | Holidays And Special Occasions. Set up Your
  56.                                | Computer so Your Kids Receive A Fax From
  57.                                | Santa on Christmas! or A Fax From Dracula on
  58.                                | Holloween. or Have Your Computer Surprise The
  59.                                | Special Person in Your Life With A Love "fax"
  60.                                | on Valentine's Day--or on no Special Day at
  61.                                | All. (They'll Love It). And no Phone or Fax
  62.                                | Machine is Required!
  63. GOSPEL22.ZIP   231678  04-18-96  Gospel Parallels is A Side by Side N.T.
  64.                                | Bible. All 4 Gospels Appear on Your Screen
  65.                                | Side by Side For Easy Reading, Scrolling,
  66.                                | Word Search And Studying. Includes A Notepad,
  67.                                | Chronological Index & Instant Parallel
  68.                                | Passage Matching. A Very Helpful Tool For The
  69.                                | Serious Bible Student. Enhancements
  70. GREEK_A.ZIP    128508  04-21-96  Greek Insights is 135 Popular Verses of The
  71.                                | Bible Each With A Greek Insight in The Form
  72.                                | of A Hypertext Electronic Book. Divisive
  73.                                | Docrines Are Not Emphasized. Believers Will
  74.                                | Find Good Edification From The Greek Nuances
  75.                                | of Meaning That do Not Come Through in The
  76.                                | English Language. Has A Brief Greek Language
  77.                                | Summary. Completely in English, no Greek
  78.                                | Knowledge Required.
  79. HAL110.ZIP     106941  04-18-96  Here A Little, There A Little... is A Tetris
  80.                                | Style Bible Word Game That Requires Quick
  81.                                | Thinking And Action. The Player Must Position
  82.                                | The Falling Words Into A Bible Verse Before
  83.                                | Time Expires. 2 Skills Levels Available.
  84.                                | Attractive VGA Graphics. Challenging, Fun,
  85.                                | Educational. Enhancements
  86. JERICHO.ZIP    502361  06-26-96  Fall of Jericho V3.0 Bible Educational Game
  87. KJV110.ZIP     199454  04-18-96  Kjvocabulary - Bible Quiz. is The King James
  88.                                | Version Full of Hard, Archaic Words? Through
  89.                                | A Quiz Interface You Can Learn The Meaning of
  90.                                | All Those Archaic Bible Words, Like "anon",
  91.                                | "concupiscence". Includes A Handy Dictionary.
  92.                                | an Interesting And Fun Way to Learn More
  93.                                | About This Classic Bible Version - The King
  94.                                | James. Enhancements
  95. LEXICON.ZIP   1428663  10-26-96  DOS Version Greek/Hebrew Lexicons
  96. MVERS341.ZIP   126968  04-18-96  Memory Verse is A Bible Tool That Assists You
  97.                                | to Memorize Scripture Passages. The User Can
  98.                                | Select From Approximately 350 Important Bible
  99.                                | Passages, or You Can Add New Verses of Your
  100.                                | Own. Verses Can be Printed in Handy 2" X 4"
  101.                                | Size For Easy Carrying in Your Pocket or
  102.                                | Wallet. Also Great For Touch-Typing Drills.
  103.                                | Enhancements
  104. M_E.ZIP        690734  10-26-96  DOS Version - C.H. Spurgeon's "morning And
  105.                                | Evening
  106. PARABLES.ZIP   118728  04-18-96  Parables of The Messiah - A Hypertext Program
  107.                                | That Focuses on The Parables of Jesus,
  108.                                | Through Poetry And Commentary Notes. Initial
  109.                                | Release
  110. PRIME.ZIP       22671  07-10-96  Prerapture International Message Exchange
  111.                                | PRIME Religious (Christian) And Non-Religious
  112.                                | Echos Strict Policy Against Profanity,
  113.                                | Lewdness, Etc. * Bible Debate * False
  114.                                | Preachers Exposed * The Only True Christian
  115.                                | Worldwide Network! 919-286-2100 919-286-3606
  116.                                | Telnet to PRIME.Org Http://www.prime.org "the
  117.                                | Sun Never Sets on The PRIME Network" Ftsc
  118.                                | (Fido Style) And Qwk Networking Europe Asia
  119.                                | North America South America
  120. PROVSO22.ZIP   136211  09-26-96  Proverbs of Solomon V2.2 Menu-Driven Program
  121.                                | That Tests And Increases One's Knowledge of
  122.                                | The Old Testament Book of Proverbs. The
  123.                                | Program Features Interactive Quizes That
  124.                                | Challenge Your Memory, And Many Commentary
  125.                                | Notes And Study Helps.
  126. PROV_DAY.ZIP   132565  06-26-96  Proverb-A-day For DOS, Version 1.0
  127. QBIBLE12.ZIP   166790  04-18-96  Questions From The Bible - an In-depth
  128.                                | Storehouse of Questions Gathered From Old &
  129.                                | New Testaments. Thousands of Interesting
  130.                                | Facts Are Presented as Questions in A Quiz-
  131.                                | Like Environment, Prompting The User For The
  132.                                | Correct Answers. The Questions Are Grouped
  133.                                | Into Dozens of Categories, From "word
  134.                                | Meanings" to "geography of The Bible".
  135.                                | Educational And Fun! Enhancements
  136. REDSEA3.ZIP    515995  07-04-96  Crossing The Red Sea V3.00 <ASP> is Like no
  137.                                | Other Bible Quiz Game You've Ever Played. no
  138.                                | Matter Who You Are, You Get Just The Right
  139.                                | Difficulty of Questions, And The Points Are
  140.                                | Random so That Anyone Can Win. And Everyone
  141.                                | Will Learn. All This And Entertaining
  142.                                | Graphics And Animation, Too. Great For Family
  143.                                | Times, Individual Play, Sunday School, Vbs,
  144.                                | Parties, Etc. Requires Vbrun300.dll.
  145. SCH01.ZIP      362548  10-26-96  DOS Scholar Package (1/13)
  146. SCH02.ZIP      362548  10-26-96  DOS Scholar Package (2/13)
  147. SCH03.ZIP      362548  10-26-96  DOS Scholar Package (3/13)
  148. SCH04.ZIP      362548  10-26-96  DOS Scholar Package (4/13)
  149. SCH05.ZIP      362548  10-26-96  DOS Scholar Package (5/13)
  150. SCH06.ZIP      362548  10-26-96  DOS Scholar Package (6/13)
  151. SCH07.ZIP      362548  11-01-96  DOS Scholar Package 7/13
  152. SCH08.ZIP      362548  10-26-96  DOS Scholar Package (8/13)
  153. SCH09.ZIP      362548  10-27-96  DOS Scholar Package 9/13
  154. SCH10.ZIP      362548  10-27-96  DOS Scholar Package 10/13
  155. SCH11.ZIP      362521  10-27-96  DOS Scholar Package 11/13
  156. SCH12.ZIP      362548  10-27-96  DOS Scholar Package 12/13
  157. SCH13.ZIP      272840  10-27-96  DOS Scholar Package 13/13
  158. SQ510.ZIP      163712  04-18-96  Scripture Quest - an In-depth Storehouse of
  159.                                | Questions Gathered From Old & New Testaments.
  160.                                | Thousands of Interesting Facts Are Presented
  161.                                | as Questions in A Quiz-Like Environment,
  162.                                | Prompting The User For The Correct Answers.
  163.                                | Supports 1-9 Players. Play Against The Clock.
  164.                                | Top Ten Score Chart. Great Way to Learn About
  165.                                | The Bible. Very Attractively Done, And
  166.                                | Challenging. Enhancements
  167. SUNDAY.ZIP     120372  01-22-96  Sunday School Colors V4.0 \- A Coloring Game
  168.                                | For Kids. Needs Ega or VGA Monitor And Mouse.
  169.                                | Kids Have Fun With Coloring And Sound Effects
  170.                                | While Learning Bible Truths. Soundblaster
  171.                                | Sound is Optional. if no Soundblaster Card is
  172.                                | Detected, Then The PC Speaker Sound Alone
  173.                                | Will Play. For Kids Ages 3 - 13. Randall
  174.                                | Alaimo, Member ASP.
  175. TLH10MID.ZIP    33301  06-04-96  Hymns of The Lutheran Hymnal in Midi Vol 10
  176.                                | [#451-500] [from The Arrangements Found in
  177.                                | The Lutheran Hymnal] Sequenced by Rev.
  178.                                | Richard Jordan.
  179. TLH11MID.ZIP    32320  06-04-96  Hymns of The Lutheran Hymnal in Midi Vol 11
  180.                                | [#501-550] [from The Arrangements Found in
  181.                                | The Lutheran Hymnal] Sequenced by Rev.
  182.                                | Richard Jordan.
  183. TLH12MID.ZIP    34257  06-04-96  Hymns of The Lutheran Hymnal in Midi Vol 12
  184.                                | [#551-600] [from The Arrangements Found in
  185.                                | The Lutheran Hymnal] Sequenced by Rev.
  186.                                | Richard Jordan.
  187. TLH1MIDI.ZIP    33684  05-28-96  Hymns of The Lutheran Hymnal Vol 1 [#1-50]
  188.                                | [from The Arrangements Found in The Lutheran
  189.                                | Hymnal] Sequenced by Rev. Richard Jordan.
  190.                                | Includes Index Which Match Hymn # to Tune
  191.                                | Name.
  192. TLH2MIDI.ZIP    36241  05-28-96  Hymns of The Lutheran Hymnal in Midi Vol 2
  193.                                | [#51-100] [from The Arrangements Found in The
  194.                                | Lutheran Hymnal] Sequenced by Rev. Richard
  195.                                | Jordan.
  196. TLH3MIDI.ZIP    33237  05-28-96  Hymns of The Lutheran Hymnal in Midi Vol 3
  197.                                | [#101-150] [from The Arrangements Found in
  198.                                | The Lutheran Hymnal] Sequenced by Rev.
  199.                                | Richard Jordan.
  200. TLH4MIDI.ZIP    34419  05-29-96  Hymns of The Lutheran Hymnal in Midi Vol 4
  201.                                | [#151-200] [from The Arrangements Found in
  202.                                | The Lutheran Hymnal] Sequenced by Rev.
  203.                                | Richard Jordan.
  204. TLH5MIDI.ZIP    33569  05-29-96  Hymns of The Lutheran Hymnal in Midi Vol 5
  205.                                | [#201-250] [from The Arrangements Found in
  206.                                | The Lutheran Hymnal] Sequenced by Rev.
  207.                                | Richard Jordan.
  208. TLH6MIDI.ZIP    33769  05-29-96  Hymns of The Lutheran Hymnal in Midi Vol 6
  209.                                | [#251-300] [from The Arrangements Found in
  210.                                | The Lutheran Hymnal] Sequenced by Rev.
  211.                                | Richard Jordan.
  212. TLH7MIDI.ZIP    32800  05-29-96  Hymns of The Lutheran Hymnal in Midi Vol 7
  213.                                | [#301-350] [from The Arrangements Found in
  214.                                | The Lutheran Hymnal] Sequenced by Rev.
  215.                                | Richard Jordan.
  216. TLH8MIDI.ZIP    34156  05-29-96  Hymns of The Lutheran Hymnal in Midi Vol 8
  217.                                | [#351-400] [from The Arrangements Found in
  218.                                | The Lutheran Hymnal] Sequenced by Rev.
  219.                                | Richard Jordan.
  220. TLH9MIDI.ZIP    32447  05-29-96  Hymns of The Lutheran Hymnal in Midi Vol 9
  221.                                | [#401-450] [from The Arrangements Found in
  222.                                | The Lutheran Hymnal] Sequenced by Rev.
  223.                                | Richard Jordan.
  224. TOPICS.ZIP    1411485  10-27-96  DOS Version - Topics Module
  225. TSK.ZIP       2892099  11-01-96  DOS Version - Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
  226. VINE410.ZIP    119891  04-18-96  The Grape Vine - A Delightfully Challenging
  227.                                | Bible Word Game. Very Similar in Play to
  228.                                | "wheel of Fortune" And "hangman", But Now
  229.                                | With A New Twist! Uncover The Missing Letters
  230.                                | to A Bible Phrase Before The Grapes Turn to
  231.                                | Raisins! Requires Hard Disk, Ega/Vga.
  232.                                | Enhancements
  233. WINAV01.ZIP   1447114  11-01-96  English Authorized King James Version (1/2)
  234. WINAV02.ZIP   1283507  11-01-96  English Authorized King James Version (2/2)
  235. WINBHM01.ZIP  1066018  11-01-96  Biblia Hebraica Morphological Text (1/1)
  236. WINBHS01.ZIP   735887  11-01-96  Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia Text (1/1)
  237. WINBYZ01.ZIP   439820  11-01-96  1991 Byzantine Greek Text (1/1)
  238. WINLSG01.ZIP  1447122  11-01-96  French Louis Segond Version (1/2)
  239. WINLSG02.ZIP  1355082  11-01-96  French Louis Segond Version (2/2)
  240. WINLUT01.ZIP  1447122  11-01-96  German Luther Version (1/2)
  241. WINLUT02.ZIP  1373164  11-01-96  German Luther Version (2/2)
  242. WINMHCC1.ZIP  1442759  11-04-96  Matthew Henry Concise Commentary (1/2)
  243. WINMHCC2.ZIP   783376  11-04-96  Matthew Henry Concise Commentary (2/2)
  244. WINSVV01.ZIP  1447122  11-01-96  Dutch Statenvertaling (1/2)
  245. WINSVV02.ZIP  1313235  11-01-96  Dutch Statenvertaling (2/2)
  246. WINTR01.ZIP   1062510  11-04-96  1550/1894 Textus Receptus With Strongs
  247. WINWH01.ZIP    437478  11-06-96  1881 Westcott-Hort Greek Text